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Grid Relation Component

The grid relation component allows you to add one or more grids to specific catalogue items, allowing editorial users to dynamically link grids for associating groups of products and documents organized in a matrix.

Grid Relation Component Usage

Once one or more grid organizers have been created within your tenant, you can use the grid relation component to add those grids to products, documents, and folders.

When adding this component to a shape or piece, specify a name (required) and description (optional) indicative of the sort of content you wish for it to contain. This description will be visible to those who build content based off of this shape. You can also optionally set minimum and/or maximum limits on the number of grids that may be added to this component.

When creating or editing content, you can add a grid by typing the grid’s name into the search bar. Once a grid has been added, the action button (…) in the top-right corner of the grid provides the following options: Go to grid (allowing you to edit the grid), and Remove grid. Changes made to grids will automatically carry through to the catalogue items that link to them.

Grids are translatable. If you have multiple languages set up within your tenant, you’ll be able to see each translation by using the Language drop-down menu at the top of the screen to switch between languages.

Catalogue API Access

Once created, grid relation components and their content are accessible via the Catalogue API. Refer to our sample query for retrieving grid relation component content, and to the API docs at for more information.

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