Daniel Salvado
Developer Experience Engineer at Crystallize

Working as a software engineering since 2016, Daniel’s path has been mostly in the JavaScript world with a preference for front-end development. Daniel also tries to bring structure to his work, by planning ahead. And because of it, he is now our Release Manager.
Blog Posts (12)
What Are Webhooks? Understanding and Implementing Them in Web Development
Webhooks are popular in web development, especially in headless and strongly decoupled architectures.
User Identity Management
Protecting your data and ensuring that only authorized people have access to it is of utmost importance. With that in mind, I wanted to talk about a few popular user identity management methods most devs have used, emphasizing the pros and cons.
Powered by Turborepo
Why Turborepo? We wanted to expose Crystallize App components in a public design system, speed up build times in the CI and on local machines, and create the foundation for micro frontends.
Frontend Application End-to-End Testing
We all know that testing our website or web applications is important in helping us avoid breaking things down the line. It is what makes refactoring, adding new features, or simply fixing bugs so much easier. But are unit or integration tests enough?
Migrating Our Frontend to TypeScript
TypeScript is developed with the idea to help teams avoid common mistakes early through a type system and to make JavaScript development more efficient. An awesome tool to have in your toolset.
Using AVIF in React
With online shopping becoming the new normal, the performance of your store is of utmost importance. One of the biggest contributors to overall page size (and thus page load speed) is the images used for products (their formats, their size).
New Editorial Experience for Product Storytelling
We are proud to release our new editorial experience for product storytelling. The pretty view is now officially released. A new visual representation of your products and product variants with a focus on creating an inspiring editorial experience. You also have a dedicated product variant view to simpler manage more complex products. This is our first step in a larger update for a more efficient and inspiring editorial experience.
Web Safe Fonts
Every web page we visit on the internet has text to explain something, give us indications, or tell us a story. They can also be fundamental in design and branding. As we can see, typography is essential on the web, and it's also something we should consider when building a website or application for many reasons, like availability, readability, and performance.
But first, let's cover some basic fonts theory.
Managing Stock Locations In Crystallize
You can now manage your product’s stock across multiple locations easily with Stock Locations.
CSV Product Import into PIM
The core of PIM is products and product information. The base product information is often created initially in an ERP system like SAP or ERPNext, then imported to your PIM. You can manually create the product information in Crystallize, or, when working with large product sets that frequently update, create an automatic import and update integration. We have made an open-source CSV product import for Crystallize to get you started.
How to Pass a GraphQL Response as Props to a React Component?
The Crystallize React frontend boilerplate folder ships with a couple of nifty functions that will help you become a developer rockstar in no time. These basic building blocks make your components come alive with product data delivered super fast from Crystallize.
Crystallize delivers product information data using GraphQL. The boilerplate uses an export in the graph-data.js files to define how your data should be presented in your component.
Fast Web Fonts for Better Website Performance
Fonts are a crucial part of every app or website and play a significant role in front-end performance. However, making sure you have a fast web font is a practice usually overlooked.