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Super fast GraphQL API for eCommerce

Super fast GraphQL API for eCommerce. Low latency API to power all of your webshops, websites or Apps. Crystallize is GraphQL native and designed for global distribution of a low latency API.

Fast GraphQL API for eCommerce. A shopping cart with rockets duck taped on each side.

Great developer experience

The developer experience when working with our fast GraphQL API is awesome. Self describing API with autocomplete in GraphQL explorer. Just pure developer happiness.

Fast GraphQL API with inline documentation.

Fast GraphQL API with inline documentation.

Catalogue API

The catalogue GraphQL API is designed for speed. Query all the data you need in one API roundtrip. Build snappy experiences anywhere.

Fast GraphQL API for eCommerce catalogue query.

Fast GraphQL API for eCommerce catalogue query.

Search API

The search API in Crystallize allows you to query anything in your catalog. Products, documents, and folders can be fetched with an easy-to-use API.

Fast GraphQL search API

Fast GraphQL search API.

Orders API

The orders API in Crystallize is designed to handle millions of orders. Receive orders from your tailor-made front end or even as a custom service.

mutation {
  orders {
      input: {
        customer: { identifier: "" }
        cart: [
            name: "Big Bowl Lounge Chair"
            sku: "big-bowl-lounge-chair"
            price: { gross: 99, net: 94, currency: "EUR" }
            quantity: 2
        total: { gross: 198, net: 188, currency: "EUR" }
    ) {

Reporting API

In addition to the beautiful and fast sales reporting UI you have full access to the reporting information via the reporting API. Build custom reports based on the generic reporting API.

  tenant {
    get(id: "5fb6473aa55944546c7fbfe1") {
      reports(currency: "EUR") {
        sales {
          total(start: "2020-01-01", end: "2021-01-01")


Orchestrate orders with webhooks. Listen to signals and build custom integrations.

Webhooks API

Orchestrate orders with webhooks. Listen to signals and build custom integrations.


Use token based authentication to securely access the APIs. Simple and secure. No passwords.

Access tokens

Use access tokens for simple authentication in the APIs.