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Structured Content Document

To sell products online, you need to provide marketing content that describes the product as well as the supporting content. This type of structured content can be managed in Crystallize using documents. These documents allow you to handle all rich content required to market and sell your products in one place.

Example: A blog post in the demo website.

Article in Boilerplate

What Can You Use Documents For?

A document is mainly used to execute a content marketing strategy to create engaging content that delivers value to your shopper. These can be used to create collections of content and products like campaigns or landing pages. Examples of content types that can be managed by a document: articles, blog posts, recipes, long-form stories. You could also use documents for an “About Us” page, a “Cookies” page, a “Terms & Conditions” page, etc.

Document Shapes

You can define your structured content using any number of different components with semantic labels. Defining the structure of your documents is done with content modeling using shapes in Crystallize.

Examples of document shapes you could define:

  • Blog post
  • Cooking Recipe
  • Vendor
  • Wine farm
  • Manufacturer
Document shape example

Creating and Translating Documents

Once you’ve defined a document shape, you can start creating documents in the Crystallize App or the PIM API. The Catalogue API can be used to retrieve document information. Refer to our sample query for fetching a document, available at our example repository.

Crystallize also gives you the ability to add and configure multiple languages. You can then translate your documents into said languages.