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Localization settings offer powerful ways to fine-tune product, document, and folder structure across languages within your tenant. Follow the steps in our Configuring Languages section to learn how to add and manage content in multiple languages.

Component Localization Properties

With components on shapes, localization properties can be configured by setting each component’s “Localized content” toggle. These toggles have three possible states:

  • Yes (true) - Component will be localized (different values allowed per language).
  • No (false) - Component will not be localized (one value stored across all languages).
  • System Default (null) - Assigned to existing components by default. If left this way, the component will adhere to its legacy behavior. Below is listed the default behavior for each component.

Some components have more configuration options than others. For the details of each component’s behavior, click on the links above to read their documentation pages.

Also note that if you change a component’s behavior away from System Default, you won’t be able to return it to that setting.

Structural Component Localization Properties

With repeatable chunk, choice, and multiple choice components, the “Localized structure” toggle on the top level of nesting determines whether or not these components may have different structures across languages. (For instance, your English content editor may use a repeating chunk to generate a questionnaire with five questions, while their Norwegian counterpart uses the same repeating chunk to create only three questions). If set to Yes, all nested components will automatically have their localization properties set to Yes as well. If set to No, then different localization properties can be assigned individually to each nested component.

With non-repeatable chunks, there is no “Localized content” toggle. Localization properties are assigned individually to each nested component.

Check Out Our Language Management Livestream