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Rich Text Component

The rich text component is used to manage formatted text like a product description or intro of an article.

Rich Text Component Usage

The rich text component is typically used for writing marketing descriptions, including formatting and links. When adding this component to a shape or piece, specify a name (required) and description (optional) indicative of the sort of content you wish for it to contain. This description will be visible to those who build content based off of this shape. You can also optionally set minimum and/or maximum limits on the number of characters that may be added to this component.

This component is translatable, meaning you can store different values for each language set up within your tenant. When editing an item, use the Language drop-down menu at the top of the screen to switch between translations. Refer to our Configuring Languages page for more information.

The rich text editor gives you access to the following features:

  • Undo/Redo buttons (you can also use CTRL+Z / Shift+CTRL+Z on your keyboard)
  • Headings (H1 through H4)
  • Bold, italic and underline text
  • Code blocks or literal text
  • Hyperlinks
  • Strikethrough, subscript, and superscript formatting
  • Bulleted and numbered lists
  • Block quotes
  • Horizontal ruling lines
  • Tables

You can also use the action menu (...) in the top-right corner of the component to copy the JSON representation of the component to your clipboard, or to clear the component of content.

Catalogue API Access

Once created, rich text components and their content are accessible via the Catalogue API. Refer to our sample query for retrieving rich text component content, and to the API docs at for more information.

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