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Product Catalogue

In Crystallize, every tenant has its own catalogue. The catalogue is a rich content repository where you can store all of your items (products, folders, and documents) as well as assets.

To access and modify a given tenant's catalogue, you must first have the requisite permissions for the Tree (ex. read, create, publish). Refer to our documentation on roles and permissions for more information.

The catalogue is hierarchical, and the hierarchy is built using folders. By making use of paths, it's possible for a single item to reside in multiple places throughout the catalogue. You could, for instance, place a board game within both "Toys" and "Sale" folders. Paths also let you see where items have resided within the catalogue historically, and how they’ve been referenced over time.

Whenever items in the catalogue are published, previous published versions are archived

For more information on working with the catalogue and catalogue items within the Crystallize App, refer to our PIM page in the User Guide. There's also a Catalogue API that can be used to query the catalogue programmatically.