Search API
The Search API allows you to search existing items in the catalogue. With the help of this API, you can search through any of the shapes in Crystallize, be they documents, products, or folders. Furthermore, by combining search functionality with topic maps, you can create search filters, smooth navigation, and more.
NOTE: the search API has been replaced with the Discovery API. While the search API will still be available it will not receive any further development. You should not plan any new projects on Search API at this point but rather consider porting existing to Discovery API.
In this section
Base URL
The Search API can be accessed by using the following endpoint:
API Access
By default, the API is accessible without any authentication, but you can change API access according to your preference:
- Within the Crystallize App, go to Settings and then select API Access.
- Choose from one of the options and then click Save.

Example Query
Below is an example query that searches for the term "plant" and returns all the items related to it. Go ahead and press the play button to see the response.