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Documentation/Open Source/SDKs and Libraries

SDKs and Libraries

Crystallize publishes, supports, and maintains a number of Open Source libraries and SDKs for you to use in your own projects.

They are all contributed from a mono repository and then synchronized in their own repository for simpler distribution.

We try to demo all of them on this page:

In this section

JS API Client

This JavaScript library provides simplifications and helpers to easily fetch data from your tenant.

React JS Components

This brings Image, Grid and Content Transformer component to ease your rendering when using React JS.

React JS Hooks

This is the JS API Client wrapper for React JS using hooks.

Node Service API Router

This is a Node library to simplify and get you started with your Service API.

Node Service API Request Handlers

This is a Node library that enables plug and play for your Service API when it is using the Node Service API Router.