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React JS Hooks

This is the JS API Client wrapper for React JS using hooks.

It provides Hooks and a Provider to handle a Crystallize State.


With NPM

npm install @crystallize/reactjs-hooks

With Yarn

yarn add @crystallize/reactjs-hooks


import { CrystallizeProvider } from '@crystallize/reactjs-hooks';
    <CrystallizeProvider language="en" tenantIdentifier="furniture">
        <App />

And then anywhere in the component tree:

import { useCrystallize } from '@crystallize/reactjs-hooks';
const { state, dispatch, apiClient, helpers } = useCrystallize();

// Component A

useEffect(() => {
    (async () => {
        const caller = apiClient.catalogueApi;
        const query = `query ($language: String!, $path: String!) {
                    catalogue(language: $language, path: $path) {
                        ... on Product {
        const response = await caller(query, {
            language: 'en',
            path: '/shop/chairs/bamboo-chair',

}, []);

As you can see, you get direct access to a built apiClient. You also get access to a helpers object that wraps the following constructors from the JS API Client:

  • catalogueFetcher
  • navigationFetcher
  • productHydrater
  • orderFetcher

But on those, in the React JS Context you don’t have to provide the language, because the context knows it.

The State holds the configuration and the language, and the Dispatch exposes:

  • loading: (state: boolean)
  • changeLanguage: (language: string)
  • updateConfiguration: (configuration: ClientConfiguration)

You can check out this live demo:

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