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Location Component

With the location component, you can describe a specific location on a map using longitude and latitude. This is useful if your products have a specific location, like houses.

Location Component Usage

The location component can be used to store a precise geolocation. When adding this component to a shape or piece, specify a name (required) and description (optional) indicative of the sort of content you wish for it to contain. This description will be visible to those who build content based off of this shape.

This component is not translatable, meaning that the same lat/long coordinate will be stored for all languages.

Location component on shape

When editing a location component, you can search for a location or input latitude and longitude coordinates directly. There’s also a Show my location button that you can use to input the coordinates of your current location (as long as your browser has the appropriate permissions in place).

Edit location component

Check Out Our Location Component Demo

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