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Google Tag Manager Test Environment

Testing is crucial to managing and deploying tags using Google Tag Manager (GTM). A rigorous testing process helps ensure that tags are firing as expected, variables are capturing the correct data, and there are no conflicts or errors.

Here's how you can use GTM's built-in tools to create a test environment:

  1. Preview Mode. GTM provides a Preview mode that allows you to test your tags before they go live. When you enter Preview mode, a debug panel will appear at the bottom of your website, showing which tags are firing on the page, the firing triggers, and the values of variables. This allows you to verify that your setup is functioning as intended.
  2. Environment Configuration. GTM allows you to create multiple environments like live, staging, and development. This helps you separate testing from live traffic. You can create a new environment by navigating to "Admin" > "Environments" > "New." Once you've made a test environment, GTM will provide you with a unique code snippet to install on your test website.
  3. Version Control. Every time you make changes and create a version in GTM, you can select which environment to publish it to. This means you can publish a version to your test environment to verify that everything is working correctly before deploying it to the live environment.
  4. Workspace Collaboration. GTM allows you to work in separate workspaces to test and make changes without affecting others' work. When a workspace is ready, you can merge the changes into the main workspace for final testing before going live.
  5. Third-party Tools. In addition to GTM's built-in testing tools, you can use third-party tools like WASP.inspector for example, a browser extension that helps validate and debug the implementation of various tags.

It's worth noting that testing in GTM isn't just a one-time process - it should be an ongoing practice. Every time you add or modify tags, triggers, or variables, you should enter Preview mode and thoroughly test to ensure your changes don't break anything and are capturing data as expected.

Finally, remember that GTM is a powerful tool, and incorrect implementation can potentially disrupt your website functionality or your data collection. Check out Keeping Websites Fast when Loading Google Tag Manager blog post for how we handle GTM for our website.

Ultimately, a robust testing and validation process is key to successful tag management with GTM.