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Headless PIM with Crystallize #5 Importing & Synchronizing Product Data

In this episode, we delve into the intricacies of data import. Learn about various methods to import product information into Crystallize. We'll cover manual input, copying and pasting from your favorite spreadsheet, importing and mapping from spreadsheets, leveraging the import SDK, and utilizing the GraphQL API directly. Don't miss out on these essential tips and techniques to streamline your data management process.

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Headless PIM with Crystallize #6 Access Control

In this episode, we explore role-based access control. We'll dive deep into defining roles and assigning them to users, covering the differences between API permissions and UI preferences. Learn how to secure user access and optimize the user interface for an even more efficient experience. Don’t miss this essential session on enhancing security and usability in Headless PIM.

Export Your Product Catalogue to PDF with Crystallize

In this Livestream video, Stavros, Partner Manager, and Bård, CEO of Crystallize, are generating a product catalog via the Crystallize GraphQL API in PDF format. They are doing it live with an example and go through the code, which you can find here.

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