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Headless PIM with Crystallize #4 Information Architecture

In this episode, we're diving into Information Architecture (IA). Discover how product information is stored, organized, and labeled in Crystallize. Learn about the foundational elements of your product universe, including the catalogue, grids, and topic maps, all part of Crystallize's robust organizers.

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Headless PIM with Crystallize #5 Importing & Synchronizing Product Data

In this episode, we delve into the intricacies of data import. Learn about various methods to import product information into Crystallize. We'll cover manual input, copying and pasting from your favorite spreadsheet, importing and mapping from spreadsheets, leveraging the import SDK, and utilizing the GraphQL API directly. Don't miss out on these essential tips and techniques to streamline your data management process.

Building Navigation with Topic Maps in Crystallize

Learn how you can build rich navigation using Crystallize Topic Maps, and combine products from different categories.

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