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What Is Git-based CMS?

A Git-based CMS is a headless CMS that leverages the power of a Git workflow for managing and storing content.

This type of CMS does not have a database but instead uses a Git repository as the source of truth for all content data. This allows developers and content creators to use version control capabilities provided by Git directly in their content management process.

In a Git-based CMS, content is stored in flat files, often written in Markdown or another lightweight markup language. These files are kept in a Git repository alongside the codebase.

How Do Git-based CMSs Work?

When a content creator changes a file, these changes are committed as a new version in the Git repository. Each edit (big or small) creates a new commit in the Git repository, enabling the team to see exactly who made what changes and when. If necessary, previous versions of content can be quickly restored from the Git history.

The Git-based CMS uses static site generators like Jekyll, Hugo, or React SSGs like Gatsby and Next JS to render these flat files into a fully functional, fast, and secure website. Since the website is pre-built into static files, it can be served directly from a Content Delivery Network (CDN), ensuring high performance and scalability.

Moreover, because a Git-based CMS separates content from presentation (like other headless CMSs), it allows developers to choose their preferred technology stack for the front end, and content can be delivered to any platform through APIs.

While Git-based CMSs offer numerous benefits, including full version control, high performance, and high security, they can have a steeper learning curve for non-technical users who may not be familiar with Git workflows.