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Documentation/Best Practices/Architecture/Monolith vs. Decoupled vs. Headless

Monolith vs. Decoupled vs. Headless

When building a web application, choosing the right architecture is crucial. Monolith, Decoupled, and Headless are three popular architectural approaches that have gained traction in recent years. Each architecture has its own strengths and weaknesses, and choosing the right one for your web application is essential to its success.

Monolith vs. Decoupled vs. Headless

Monolith Architecture

Monolith architecture is a traditional approach to building web applications. In this architecture, all application components are tightly coupled and run all together as one application. The front-end, back-end, database, and other services are part of the same application, they talk to each other directly without any abstraction layer.


  • Easy to develop and maintain
  • Simple architecture
  • Fewer dependencies
  • Easier to deploy


  • Hard to scale
  • All components are tightly coupled
  • Difficult to upgrade individual components
  • Limited flexibility

Decoupled Architecture

In decoupled architecture, the front and backend are separated and communicate through the abstraction layer (i.e.) APIs. The backend is responsible for business logic and data storage, while the front handles the user interface and user experience.


  • More scalable
  • More flexible
  • Separation of concerns
  • Better performance


  • More complex
  • Higher development costs
  • Higher maintenance costs
  • More dependencies

Headless Architecture

In headless architecture (in-depth doc), the front end is completely decoupled from the back end. The front communicates with the backend through APIs but can also communicate with third-party services.


  • Most flexible
  • Most scalable
  • Separation of concerns
  • Easy to integrate with third-party services


  • Most complex
  • Highest development costs
  • Highest maintenance costs
  • Most dependencies


Q: Which architecture should I choose for my web application?

A: If you have a small application with limited scalability requirements, Monolith architecture might be the best choice. Headless architecture might be the best choice if you have a large application requiring high scalability and flexibility. Decoupled architecture offers a balanced approach between Monolith and Headless architecture use cases.

Q: Can I switch architectures after building my web application?

A: Yes, you can switch architectures, but it can be difficult and time-consuming. It's best to choose the right architecture from the start to avoid needing a major overhaul later on.

Q: Is Monolith architecture outdated?

A: Not really, Monolith architecture is still a viable option for building web applications. It's simple and easy to understand and, as we said, can be a good choice for small applications with limited scalability requirements.