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Component Updates with the Core API

The Core API simplifies updating a component by directly targeting the component. In order to perform these operations, ensure that you have the proper authentication and user permissions.

Updating a Component

The mutation below updates a single line component:

  $itemId: ID!
  $language: String!
  $input: ComponentInput!
) {
  updateComponent(itemId: $itemId, language: $language, component: $input) {
    ... on UpdatedComponent {
      item {
    ... on BasicError {

Here's what the variables look like:

  "itemId": "ITEM_ID",
  "language": "en",
  "input": {
    "componentId": "name",
    "singleLine": {
      "text": "Classic colors"

The arguments provided to the mutation include:

  • itemId - the ID of the item that needs to be updated
  • language - the language the item needs to be updated in
  • input - input takes in the component-related details. It requires the component ID and then, based on the component type, you would further provide the data.

In the example above, since it's a single line component, we add the text field there.

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