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Next.js Subscription Commerce Starter

Start selling with subscription commerce using this Next.js e-commerce starter written in TypeScript. Experiment with flat fee and usage based pricing to create a steady stream of recurring revenue. This accelerator uses the Discovery API in Crystallize.

Next.js subscription commerce accelerator

Getting started

First you can check out the live demo site to get an impression of the functionality in this eCommerce template.

Clone the Github repository to get your local copy of this boilerplate.

You need to set the correct Crystallize tenant and access tokens in the .env file. There is a .env.example you can use as a starting point.

If you want to use the open demo tenant from Crystallize you can use the tenant identifier and tenant id shown below.

Remember: access tokens are secret and should not be shared.


Running the project locally

First, navigate to the project folder containing the package.json file. Then, use npm to start the local deployment.

cd nerd-factory-boilerplate
npm run dev

Accessing the Development Site

Once the development server is running, you will be able to browse to http://localhost:3000/.

Project structure

This is a Next.js project with combination of server side rendering and client side dynamic features like the cart and checkout.


The app folder contains all the routes / pages for the application. Each route is a combination of the TypeScript code (page.tsx) and the GraphQL query (query.graphql).

Check out the livestream

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