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Fulfilment Pipelines

Once an order is created via the Order API, Crystallize receives and automatically places it in the fulfilment pipeline. You can then make use of webhooks accordingly.

In order to perform these operations, ensure that you have the proper authentication (if necessary) and user permissions.

Create Order

The first step here is to create an order, which you must do programmatically. Refer to our GraphQL sample for creating an order, which is part of our example repository. Also check out the Order API docs at for the full list of parameters you can specify and fetch. Make sure you have access tokens set up in order to run your requests.

Note that orders are created asynchronously. There is no guarantee that the order will be retrievable immediately after registering it.

Fulfilment Pipeline

Any order placed successfully via the Order API ends up in the fulfilment pipeline, which you can access from the Crystallize App under the Fulfilment section. A pipeline can have any number of stages, as shown in the image below.

Fulfilment pipeline main screen

Assign Order to a Pipeline

Assigning an order to a pipeline is as simple as dragging and dropping it to the pipeline you wish to add it to. Keep in mind that you can assign a single order to multiple pipelines.

Change Pipeline Stage

Changing the pipeline stage is equally easy. Head over to the pipeline and simply drag and drop orders to any of the pipeline stages. Pipeline stage changes can also be done using the PIM API. Refer to our example repository for samples of several pipeline-related operations.


You can define a webhook that fires whenever the pipeline stage for an order is changed. A good example would be updating your customer via email regarding any updates on their order. The image below shows a webhook that sends every detail related to the order any time there’s a change in the pipeline stage.

Pipeline state change webhook
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