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Exploring Pre-Release Features

Peer into the future of Crystallize. With Labs, you have the option of previewing the exciting new changes we’re bringing to the Crystallize App before they hit production.

First, A Word of Caution

Labs features are still in the experimental stages. If you’re part of a serious big business, you may have some concerns. Chat with us if you have any questions about enabling any particular feature.

Adventure Awaits

From the left-hand panel of buttons, choose Settings, then click on the Labs label beneath the User section. Check out the available offerings, and click the Let me have it button beside any feature that interests you. This feature will then be enabled for you at the user level; the other users in your current tenant will not be affected. Even as you switch between tenants and log in and out of the Crystallize App, it will remain enabled.

Once a feature is enabled, you’ll see a pair of new buttons beside it: Turn it off, which resets your selection, and Feedback, which will connect you with our Slack community to discuss any issues or comments you may have. Your input could help us improve these features for everyone, so don’t be shy about contacting us!

Labs screen