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Managing Markets

In Crystallize, price lists are applied to one or more markets. You can specify as many markets as you need for your business requirements, representing any sort of segment you wish to define (ex. geographic regions).

Markets are managed within the Crystallize App as follows:

  • Click the Settings button on the left-hand side of the screen, then choose Markets.
  • Click the Add market + button. When you type in a market name, the identifier field automatically gets filled in, but you can change it if necessary. The identifier must be unique and, for programming simplicity, it’s recommended to be all one word, lowercase, without unusual characters.
  • Once markets have been created, you can click on their corresponding action buttons (...) to edit or delete them.

You’ll be able to see markets on the price list home page and create special price lists for them as desired.

Add market screen

Market-Related Webhooks

You can (optionally) set up webhooks to subscribe to market-related events. In Crystallize, events are fired whenever markets are

  • Created
  • Updated
  • Deleted

You can set up a webhook, then come up with your own way of responding to events. For more information, read about defining webhooks here.

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