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Expanding the Crystallize App With Custom Functionality

Apps allow you to access external custom-built applications (ex. import/export tools) within the Crystallize App. If there's a feature you need that we don't have, you can build or find it elsewhere and link it here. These tools can all be kept and accessed inside of Crystallize, which is far more convenient than browsing to each of them individually.

Adding Apps To Your Tenant

Each tenant has its own set of Apps. To work with them, you’ll first need the requisite permissions for Apps (read, create, etc). Refer to our documentation on roles and permissions for more information.

An external application can be added to Crystallize as an App as long as it's configured to render within an iframe. You’ll need to configure your App’s X-Frame-Options accordingly.

Be sure to check out Crystallize’s monorepo for Apps, where you’ll find many useful Apps already built for you. You’re free to install these Apps within your environment, and can also contribute your own Apps for others to share.

To add an App to your tenant, click the Settings button on the left-hand panel, then click on the Apps label. You can also bring up the command palette with [CTRL or ⌘] + K and type or select "Apps." From here, click the Add App + button and specify a name for the App. The identifier field will automatically populate based on the name, but you can change it if you need to. Finally, enter the URL from which the App may be accessed. HTTPS is enforced here.

After an App has been added, you can click the action button (...) on the right side of its corresponding label to either edit or delete it.

Add App screen

Accessing Apps

Click the Apps icon on the left-hand side of the screen to open the main Apps page. You can also bring up the command palette with CTRL+K or ⌘+K and type “Apps.”

When you click the name of an App, it will be rendered within the main frame.

Apps main screen

Signature Verification

Requests that Crystallize sends to Apps will be signed with a signature secret that’s unique to your tenant. For improved security, it's highly recommended that you configure your Apps to verify the signatures sent by Crystallize. You can read our documentation on signature verification for more detail on how to do this.